जय पशुपतिनाथ (Aum Namah Shivya)

March 11, 2009

Sankata Devi Strotam – सङ्कटास्तोत्रम्


ध्यायेSहं परमेश्वरीम् दशभुजां नेत्रत्रयोद् भासिताम्
सद्य: सङ्कटतारिणीम् गुणमयीमारक्तवर्णाम् शुभाम् ।
अक्षस्स्रग्जलपूर्णकुम्कमलं शङ्खं गदां विभ्रतीम्
त्रैशल डमरुञ्य खड्गविधृतां चक्राभयाद्यां पराम् ॥१॥
सङ्कटा प्रथम नाम द्वितीयं विजया तथा ।
तृतीय कामदा प्रोक्तं चतुर्थम् दु:खहारिणी ॥२॥
सर्वाणी पञ्चमं नाम षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा ।
सप्तम भीमनयना सर्वरोगहताष्टमम् ॥३॥
नामाष्टकमिद पुण्यं त्रिसन्ध्य श्रद्धयान्वित: ।
य: पठेत् पाठयेद्वापि नरो मुच्येत सङ्कटात् ॥४॥
॥इति श्री सङ्कटास्तोत्र: सम्पूर्ण ॥

Sankata prathamam namam, dwitheeyam vijayasthadha,
Thritheeyam Kamada proktham, chahurtham Dukha harini,
Sarvani panchamam nama shashtam karthyayani thadha,
Sapthamam Bheema nayana Sarva rogaharshtamam,
Nama ashtakamidham punyam trisandhyam sradhayanvitha,
Ya padethpadeyedwapi naro muchyathe sankatath. 1-4

Hear those eight names of her , who fulfills all desires,
Remover of dangers is her first name,
Victorious Goddess is her second name,
Fulfiller of all desires is her third name,
Destroyer of sorrows is her fourth name,

She who is everything is her fifth name,

Daughter of Kathyayana is her sixth name,
Goddess with very large eyes is her seventh name,
She who cures all diseases is her eighth name.

He who reads these holy names with faith,
At the times of dawn. Noon and dusk ,
Or he who gets them read would never suffer dangers.

People do pooja at Sankata temple, Kathmandu, Nepal to remove problems from their life. The problem for wealth, problem in one’s business, problem in romance or relating to other aspect of life are said to be solved by doing puja at famous Sankata Temple.

March 8, 2009

बगलामुखी कवचम् – Bagalamukhi Kavacham

अथ बगलामुखी कवचम्

श्रुत्वा च बगलापूजां स्तोत्रं चापि महेश्वर ।

इदानी श्रोतुमिच्छामि कवचं वद मे प्रभो ॥ १ ॥
वैरिनाशकरं दिव्यं सर्वाSशुभविनाशनम् ।
शुभदं स्मरणात्पुण्यं त्राहि मां दु:खनाशनम् ॥२॥
श्रीभैरव उवाच :
कवचं शृणु वक्ष्यामि भैरवीप्राणवल्लभम् ।
पठित्वा धारयित्वा तु त्रैलोक्ये विजयी भवेत् ॥३॥
ॐ अस्य श्री बगलामुखीकवचस्य नारद ऋषि: ।
अनुष्टप्छन्द: । बगलामुखी देवता । लं बीजम् ।
ऐं कीलकम् पुरुषार्थचष्टयसिद्धये जपे विनियोग: ।
ॐ शिरो मे बगला पातु हृदयैकाक्षरी परा ।
ॐ ह्ली ॐ मे ललाटे च बगला वैरिनाशिनी ॥१॥
Shiro may Bagla patu hriday may kakch ri para.
Om hreem om may lalate ch Bagla vairi nashinee [1]

गदाहस्ता सदा पातु मुखं मे मोक्षदायिनी ।
वैरिजिह्वाधरा पातु कण्ठं मे वगलामुखी ॥२॥
Gada hastaa sadaa paatu mukham may moksha daayinee.
Vairi jihwaadharam paatu kantham may Baglamukhi [2]

उदरं नाभिदेशं च पातु नित्य परात्परा ।
परात्परतरा पातु मम गुह्यं सुरेश्वरी ॥३॥
Udaram nabhidesham ch paatunityam paraatparaa.
paraat partaraa paatu mamguhayam sureshwaree [3]

हस्तौ चैव तथा पादौ पार्वती परिपातु मे ।
विवादे विषमे घोरे संग्रामे रिपुसङ्कटे ॥४॥
Hastau chaiv tatha paadau Paarvatee paripaatumay.
Vivaaday vishmay ghoray sangramay ripu sankatay [4]

पीताम्बरधरा पातु सर्वाङ्गी शिवनर्तकी ।
श्रीविद्या समय पातु मातङ्गी पूरिता शिवा ॥५॥

Peetambardharaa paatu sarvangay Shivnartakee.
Shrividya samayaa paatu maatangee puritashivaa [5]

पातु पुत्रं सुतांश्चैव कलत्रं कालिका मम ।
पातु नित्य भ्रातरं में पितरं शूलिनी सदा ॥६॥
Paatu putram sutam chaiv kalatram Kaalikaa mam.
Paatu nityam bhraatram may pitram shoolinee sadaa [6]

रंध्र हि बगलादेव्या: कवचं मन्मुखोदितम् ।
न वै देयममुख्याय सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकम् ॥ ७॥
Randhrey hi baglaa devyaah kavacham manmukhoditam.
Naiv deyam mukhyaaya sarvasiddhi paradaayakam [7]

पाठनाद्धारणादस्य पूजनाद्वाञ्छतं लभेत् ।
इदं कवचमज्ञात्वा यो जपेद् बगलामुखीम् ॥८॥

Pathnaadhaarnaa dasya poojana dwanchitah labhet.
Idam kavacham gyatvaa yo japed Baglamukhem [8]

पिवन्ति शोणितं तस्य योगिन्य: प्राप्य सादरा: ।
वश्ये चाकर्षणो चैव मारणे मोहने तथा ॥९॥
Pibati shonitam tasya yoginayah praapya saadaraah.
Vashye chaakarshanay chaiv maarnay mohanay tathaa [9]

महाभये विपत्तौ च पठेद्वा पाठयेत्तु य: ।
तस्य सर्वार्थसिद्धि: स्याद् भक्तियुक्तस्य पार्वति ॥१०॥
Mahaabhaye vipattau ch pathedwa paathyettu yah.
tasya sarvaarth siddhih syaad bhakti yuktasya Paarvati [10]

इति श्रीरुद्रयामले बगलामुखी कवचं सम्पूर्णम्
Iti Shri Rudrayaamalay baglamukhee kavacham Sampoornam.

January 2, 2009

देव्पराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम् (Durga Devi Apradh Kshama by Adi Shankara)

Durga Devi Apradh Kshama by Adi Shankara
Seeking Mercy from Goddess

न मन्त्रं नो यन्त्रं तदपि च न जाने स्तुतिमहो
न चाह्वानं ध्यानं तदपि च न जाने स्तुतिकथा:।
न जाने मुद्रास्ते तदपि च न जाने विलपनं
परं जाने मातस्त्वदनुसरणं क्लेशहरणम्॥1॥
Oh! I don’t know the Mantra, the Yantra, or the Eulogies. I don’t even know how to invoke You, how to meditate on You, and even the speech behind Your eulogies. I don’t know the postures [in which to say eulogies], and I don’t know how to wail. [But] O Mother! I know that following You absolves the biggest distresses.||1||

विधेरज्ञानेन द्रविणविरहेणालसतया
विधेयाशक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्या च्युतिरभूत्।
तदेतत् क्षन्तव्यं जननि सकलोद्धारिणि शिवे
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्व चिदपि कुमाता न भवति॥2॥
The offerings — which were due to the lack of knowledge of methodology, by the lack of resources, by indolence, or due to the lack of strength for submission — fallen [by me] on Your dual-feet, forgive all those mistakes, O Mother! O Shiva, Who absolves everyone! Because a son can become bad or ignorant about his duties as an offspring, but the Mother always remains a Mother.||2||

पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहव: सन्ति सरला:
परं तेषां मध्ये विरलतरलोहं तव सुत:।
मदीयोऽयं त्याग: समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्व चिदपि कुमाता न भवति॥3॥
O Mother! There are many sons of Yours on this earth and they are gentle. Amidst them, I am Your son, who is extremely libidinous. I have the feelings of possession, and I have no compassion within me. But I am Yours, O Shiva! A son can become bad or ignorant about his duties as an offspring, but the Mother always remains a Mother.||3||

जगन्मातर्मातस्तव चरणसेवा न रचिता
न वा दत्तं देवि द्रविणमपि भूयस्तव मया।
तथापि त्वं स्नेहं मयि निरुपमं यत्प्रकुरुषे
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्व चिदपि कुमाता न भवति॥4॥
O Mother! O Mother of the world! Your feet has not been engaged upon [by me] and, even more so, Your feet has not been submitted with offerings by me. Even then, You shower immaculate benevolence on me. Because a son can become bad or ignorant about his duties as an offspring, but the Mother always remains a Mother.||4||

परित्यक्ता देवा विविधविधिसेवाकुलतया
मया पञ्चाशीतेरधिकमपनीते तु वयसि।
इदानीं चेन्मातस्तव यदि कृपा नापि भविता
निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम्॥5॥
At an age of more than eighty-five years, by me, who lacks the prowess to perform various rituals, the Devas have been left along. O Mother of Lambodar (Parvati)! Now, in this situation, if Your benevolence does not happens on me, then, I, the unsupported one, will take whose refuge?||5||

श्वपाको जल्पाको भवति मधुपाकोपमगिरा
निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरित चिरं कोटिकनकै:।
तवापर्णे कर्णे विशति मनुवर्णे फलमिदं
जन: को जानीते जननि जपनीयं जपविधौ॥6॥
O Aparna! A dog-eater (Chandala) becomes a talkative person with honey-like sweet words coming out from the tongue; and a poor man roams fearlessly for long time in golden riches, when the chants of Your name fall [seat] inside the ear of anyone. O Mother! Then, in that case, who can know the achievements due to continuous chants of Your name based on the appropriate rules?||6||

चिताभस्मालेपो गरलमशनं दिक्पटधरो
जटाधारी कण्ठे भुजगपतिहारी पशुपति:।
कपाली भूतेशो भजति जगदीशैकपदवीं
भवानि त्वत्पाणिग्रहणपरिपाटीफलमिदम्॥7॥
Kapali, Who has ashes from the burnt corpses on body, Who has the directions as clothes (cloth-less), Who has thick tress-locks, Who has a garland of king of snake in neck, Who is known as Pashupati, and Who is the ruler of ghosts, attains the position of poison-destroyer and Lord of the world. O Bhavani! This is just a result of addition of You as His consort.||7||

न मोक्षस्याकाड्क्षा भवविभववाञ्छापि च न मे
न विज्ञानापेक्षा शशिमुखि सुखेच्छापि न पुन:।
अतस्त्वां संयाचे जननि जननं यातु मम वै
मृडानी रुद्राणी शिव शिव भवानीति जपत:॥8॥
I don’t have the desire to attain Moksha, neither I have the desire to attain luxuries and resplendence in the world. I don’t have expectations of sciences, and O the Moon-faced Goddess! I don’t even desire for luxuries and comfort. O Mother! Thus, I beg You, that whenever I am born, give me the chanting of these names to me — Mridani, Rudrani, Shiv, Bhavani.||8||

नाराधितासि विधिना विविधोपचारै:
किं रुक्षचिन्तनपरैर्न कृतं वचोभि:।
श्यामे त्वमेव यदि किञ्चन मय्यनाथे
धत्से कृपामुचितमम्ब परं तवैव॥9॥
O Shyama! You are not revered by me, using methods or various prescriptions. I didn’t do anything beyond the rough-thinking and speech. But even then, if You keep me, the destitute and orphan, in benevolence, then it suits You; since You indeed are beyond everything, O Mother!||9||

आपत्सु मग्न: स्मरणं त्वदीयं
करोमि दुर्गे करुणार्णवेशि।
नैतच्छठत्वं मम भावयेथा:
क्षुधातृषार्ता जननीं स्मरन्ति॥10॥
O Durga, Who is the abode of ocean of mercy! When I remember You in troublesome situations, don’t think it is stupidity. It is because when a child is hungry, the child only remembers the Mother.||10||

जगदम्ब विचित्रमत्र किं परिपूर्णा करुणास्ति चेन्मयि।
अपराधपरम्परापरं न हि माता समुपेक्षते सुतम्॥11॥
O Mother of the world! You are full of benevolence for me; [but] what is the surprise in this? [Because] Even when a son is full of faults, the Mother does not ignores or disowns the child.||11||

मत्सम: पातकी नास्ति पापन्घी त्वत्समा न हि।
एवं ज्ञात्वा महादेवि यथा योग्यं तथा कुरु॥12॥
O Mahadevi! There is no fallen one like me, and there is indeed no absolver of sins like You. Knowing this, You do what You think as appropriate.||12||
Note: Meanings taken form stutimandal.com
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December 17, 2008

Shree Devi Suktam (तन्त्रोक्तम् देवी सूक्तम् ) – SALUTATIONS to Maa Durga

नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै…

तन्त्रोक्तम् देवी सूक्तम्

नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै शिवायै सततं नमः ।

नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्मताम् ॥१॥

We continuously salute that Goddess, Who is the Ruler of the world, Who is auspicion personified. We are prostrate, with hands together, before Prakriti and Bhadra. [1]

रौद्रायै नमो नित्यायै गौर्यै धात्र्यै नमो नमः ।

ज्योत्स्नायै चेन्दुरूपिण्यै सुखायै सततं नमः ॥२॥

Salutations to Raudraya, Nityaya, Gaurya, Dhatraya, and Jyotsnya. continuous salutes to the moon-faced Goddess, Who is blissful. [2]

कल्याण्यै प्रणतां वृद्ध्यै सिद्ध्यै कुर्मो नमो नमः।

नैऋत्यै भूभृतां लक्ष्म्यै शर्वाण्यै ते नमो नमः ॥३॥

Salutations for Kalyani, Vraddhi, Siddhi, and Kurma. Acquiring the grounds, salutations for Lakshmi Nairrti, and Sarvani.[3]

दुर्गायै दुर्गपारायै सारायै सर्वकारिण्यै ।

ख्यात्यै तथैव कृष्णायै धूम्रायै सततं नमः ॥४॥

Incessant salutes for Durga, Who is beyond the demon Durga, Who is the summary of everything, Who is the reason behind everything, and Who is popularity. Salutes for Krishnaya Dhumraya. [4]

अतिसौम्यातिरौद्रायै नतास्तस्यै नमो नमः ।

नमो जगत्प्रतिष्ठायै देव्यै कृत्यै नमो नमः ॥५॥

Salutations for that Goddess, Who is very serene as well as very fierce. We are prostrate before You. Salutations for Devi, Who is the support of the world, and Who is the mundane existence. [5]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु विष्णुमायेति शब्दिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥६॥

We salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of Vishnumaya; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [6]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु चेतनेत्यभिधीयते ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥७॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is known as life inside every living being; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [7]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥८॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of wisdom; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [8]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु निद्रारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥९॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of sleep; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [9]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु क्षुधारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१०॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of hunger; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [10]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of shadow; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [11]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्ति रूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१२॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of Shakti or power; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [12]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु तृष्णारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१३॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of hunger; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [13]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१४॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of patience and forbearance; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [14]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु जातिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१५॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of natural species; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [15]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु लज्जारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१६॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of shyness; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [16]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१७॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of peace or rest; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [17]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु श्रद्धारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१८॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of dedication; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [18]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु कान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥१९॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of splendor; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [19]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२०॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of wealth or Lakshmi; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [20]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु वृत्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२१॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of course of action; Salute to You, saluteto You, salute to You. [21]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु स्मृतिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२२॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of memory; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [22]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु दयारूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२३॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of benevolence or mercy; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [23]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु तुष्टिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२४॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of satisfaction or contentment; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [24]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२५॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of mother; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [25]

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु भ्रान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२६॥

I salute that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being in the form of movement or power to move; Salute to You, salute to You, salute to You. [26]

इन्द्रियाणामधिष्ठात्री भूतानां चाखिलेषु या ।

भूतेषु सततं तस्यै व्याप्तिदेव्यै नमो नमः ॥२७॥

The Goddess Who is the controller of sense-organs, and present incessantly inside all the living-beings our salutations for that Goddess, Who is present inside every living being. [27]

चितिरूपेण या कृत्स्नमेतद्व्याप्य स्थिता जगत् ।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥२८॥

That Goddess Who is established, having pervaded the entire universe we salute again and again to that Goddess. [28]

स्तुता सुरैः पूर्वमभीष्टसंश्रयात्तथा सुरेन्द्रेण दिनेषु सेविता ।

करोतु सा नः शुभहेतुरीश्वरी शुभानि भद्राण्यभिहन्तु चापदः ॥२९॥

In the old days, that Who was eulogized, by the means of earlier attained wealth, by the demi-gods and by Indra (the king of demi-gods) may that Goddess, Who is for auspicion, brings beautiful fortune to us and may She destroy the various calamities. [29]

या साम्प्रतं चोद्धतदैत्यतापितै-रस्माभिरीशा च सुरैर्नमस्यते ।

या च स्मृता तत्क्षणमेव हन्ति नः सर्वापदो भक्तिविनम्रमूर्तिभिः ॥३०॥

That Goddess, to Whom we are saluting properly, while troubled by the demons; that Goddess, Whose devotion filled remembrance destroys any calamities or obstructions instantaneously may that Goddess remove our obstacles. [30]


This eulogy appears in the period when Sumbha and Nisumbha overthrew the demi-gods and Indra. The demi-gods eulogized Vishnumaya with this poem.

Poet: Markandeya

Source: Durgasaptasati

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October 1, 2008

kalbhairav ashtakam कालभैरवाष्टकं


देवराजसेव्यमानपावनांघ्रिपङ्कजं व्यालयज्ञसूत्रमिन्दुशेखरं कृपाकरम् ।

नारदादियोगिवृन्दवन्दितं दिगंबरं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ १ ॥

भानुकोटिभास्वरं भवाब्धितारकं परं नीलकण्ठमीप्सितार्थदायकं त्रिलोचनम्।

कालकालमंबुजाक्षमक्षशूलमक्षरं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ २ ॥

शूलटंकपाशदण्डपाणिमादिकारणं श्यामकायमादिदेवमक्षरं निरामयम् ।

भीमविक्रमं प्रभुं विचित्रताण्डवप्रियं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ३ ॥

भुक्तिमुक्तिदायकं प्रशस्तचारुविग्रहं भक्तवत्सलं स्थितं समस्तलोकविग्रहम् ।

विनिक्वणन्मनोज्ञहेमकिङ्किणीलसत्कटिं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ४ ॥

धर्मसेतुपालकं त्वधर्ममार्गनाशनं कर्मपाशमोचकं सुशर्मधायकं विभुम् ।

स्वर्णवर्णशेषपाशशोभितांगमण्डलं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ५ ॥

रत्नपादुकाप्रभाभिरामपादयुग्मकं नित्यमद्वितीयमिष्टदैवतं निरंजनम् ।

मृत्युदर्पनाशनं करालदंष्ट्रमोक्षणं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ६ ॥

अट्टहासभिन्नपद्मजाण्डकोशसंततिं दृष्टिपात्तनष्टपापजालमुग्रशासनम् ।

अष्टसिद्धिदायकं कपालमालिकाधरं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ७ ॥

भूतसंघनायकं विशालकीर्तिदायकं काशिवासलोकपुण्यपापशोधकं विभुम् ।

नीतिमार्गकोविदं पुरातनं जगत्पतिं काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥ ८ ॥

फल श्रुति 

कालभैरवाष्टकं पठंति ये मनोहरं ज्ञानमुक्तिसाधनं विचित्रपुण्यवर्धनम् ।

शोकमोहदैन्यलोभकोपतापनाशनं प्रयान्ति कालभैरवांघ्रिसन्निधिं नरा ध्रुवम् ॥

॥ इति श्रीमछंकराचार्यविरचितं श्री कालभैरवाष्टकं संपूर्णम ॥

Traditionally,the ashtakam is recited in homes, when some one has health or any domestic problems.

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